MEMORI-net - Protokol "hrupne" električne stimulacije spodbuja regeneracijo mišic in vitro z sproščanjem endogenega ATP


Skupina prof. M. Sciancalepore iz Univerze v Trstu, je objavila nov članek v reviji "Experimental Cell Research": 


A noisy electrical stimulation protocol favors muscle regeneration in vitro through release of endogenous ATP.

Alessandra Bosutti1, Annalisa Bernareggi1, Gabriele Massaria1,2, Paola D'Andrea1, Giuliano Taccola3,4, Paola Lorenzon1, Marina Sciancalepore1

1. Department of Life Sciences and Centre for Neuroscience B.R.A.I.N., University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
2. Area Science Park, Padriciano, Trieste, Italy
3. Department of Neuroscience, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
4. SPINAL (Spinal Person Injury Neurorehabilitation Applied Laboratory), Istituto di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione (IMFR), Udine, Italy

Abstract. An in vitro system of electrical stimulation was used to explore whether an innovative “noisy” stimulation protocol derived from human electromyographic recordings (EMGstim) could promote muscle regeneration. EMGstim was delivered to cultured mouse myofibers isolated from Flexor Digitorum Brevis, preserving their satellite cells. In response to EMGstim, immunostaining for the myogenic regulatory factor myogenin, revealed an increased percentage of elongated myogenin-positive cells surrounding the myofibers. Conditioned medium collected from EMGstim-treated cell cultures, promoted satellite cells differentiation in unstimulated myofiber cell cultures, suggesting that extracellular soluble factors could mediate the process. Interestingly, the myogenic effect of EMGstim was mimicked by exogenously applied ATP (0.1 μM), reduced by the ATP diphosphohydrolase apyrase and prevented by blocking endogenous ATP release with carbenoxolone.
In conclusion, our results show that “noisy” electrical stimulations favor muscle progenitor cell differentiation most likely via the release of endogenous ATP from contracting myofibres. Our data also suggest that “noisy” stimulation protocols could be potentially more efficient than regular stimulations to promote in vivo muscle regeneration after traumatic injury or in neuropathological diseases.


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Poleg tega bo 27. maja 2019 v Ljubljani, dr. A. Bosutti bo objavila povzetek dela istih avtorjev z naslovom: "Noisy electrical stimulation to counteract skeletal muscle atrophy (Hrupna električna stimulacija za preprečevanje atrofije skeletnih mišic)" na Simpoziju & delavnica "Skeletal muscle research - from cell to human 2019".
