Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency.
Protecting and promoting natural and cultural resources
To maintain, explore and promote the material and immaterial heritage of extraordinary historical significance of WW1 as a shared heritage of the programme area within the main brand of the special destination of the Peace Trail between the Alps and the Adriatic. To encourage the integration, updating and development of a new sustainable and culturally oriented tourist offer, based on engaging presentations of the WW1 heritage and thematic routes.
The peculiarity of the programme area is the presence of WW1 heritage, of extraordinary historical significance, sometimes poorly preserved, with untapped potential for tourism development. The project will contribute to transforming the current situation through shared cross-border activities aimed at the long-term conservation of WW1 heritage and increasing its use in view of the development of sustainable cultural tourism. Studies, exhibitions, cultural and commemorative events will be carried out to strengthen the general knowledge and awareness of WW1 heritage. Targeted training and networking activities for tour operators, organisations and other stakeholders will be carried out to encourage the development of the new tourism offer. To strengthen the joint promotion and marketing of WW1 heritage, a main Peace Trail brand with marketing guidelines, a website and other dissemination material will be introduced. New thematic routes, info-points and centres with interactive and innovative heritage presentations will be updated and organised. Small scale investments will be aimed at preserving WW1's extraordinarily valuable heritage.
1. A 500 km long cross-border cultural and tourist route from the Alps to the Adriatic has been established, featuring 400 World War I sites and other major tourist attractions along the former Soča front (from Log pod Mangartom to Trieste). Outside the physically connected cross-border route, which runs in a narrower cross-border area, other important World War I monuments between Ljubljana and Venice have been identified and presented. The project has thus valorised and included for study-research and tourism-promotion purposes the movable and immovable heritage of the First World War in the entire programme area of the Italy-Slovenia Interreg Programme.
This is presented in:
- An outstanding website in three languages Slovenian, Italian and English,
- The umbrella tourism leaflet The Path of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic in Slovenian, Italian and English
- Umbrella book guide in Slovenian and Italian
- Local and thematic promotional brochures
2. Restored heritage, museums, new exhibitions and multimedia content, an urbanised route on the Peace Trail and new documentation:
- Tunnel with viewing platform under Kluže Fortress in the municipality of Bovec
- Military vehicle and Italian chapel on Planici in Kobarid municipality
- The German ossuary and the Holy Spirit Memorial Church in Javorca, Tolmin,
- Military Trough in Kambreškem, about the municipality of Kanal,
- additional urban equipment on the Sabotino Peace Trail in Brda,
- Interactive and multimedia centre and museum at Sabotino in the municipality of Nova Gorica,
- cavern on Sveti Otu in the municipality of Šempeter pri Vrtojba,
- Investment documentation for a future investment in Cerje, Miren Kostanjevica,
- Open-air museum in the municipality of Renče Vogrsko,
- World War I museum in Ragogna,
- viewing platform with garden behind the Gorizia/Gorizia World War I Museum,
- MUB World War I Museum in San Dona di Piave,
- The fortress of Cavallino Treporti, near Venice,
- monuments and memorial parks in several municipalities along the lower Piave
3. Cross-border study-research activities, presented through various achievements (excell database, exhibitions, publications, studies...), on several historically important topics related to the First World War.
- census of fallen soldiers in military cemeteries in Gorizia and Karst
- rebuilding places after the war
- soldiers artists
- Soldiers' memories
- the importance of logistics
- the importance of the Venetian lagoon
4. Cultural and educational events and programmes for different target groups (general public, tourist guides and informants, young people, decision-makers, managers).
- Concerts
- Dance and theatre performances
- School excursions
- Workshops and roundtables for decision-makers
Lead Partner
Project partner 1
Project partner 2
Project partner 3
Project partner 4
Project partner 5
Project partner 6
Project partner 7
Project partner 8
Project partner 9
![]() | Poster WALKofPEACE Interreg_WALKofPEACE_plakat_50×70cm.pdf ( 6 bytes, published on 6 February, 2020 - 11:20 ) |
![]() | Leaflet WALKofPEACE Leaflet_WALKofPEACE_web.pdf ( 3 bytes, published on 7 February, 2020 - 10:13 ) |
![]() | Newsletter - February 2020 Newsletter_February_2020_ENG.pdf ( 879 bytes, published on 12 March, 2020 - 14:46 ) |
![]() | Newsletter - June 2020 Newsletter_June_2020_ENG.pdf ( 1 byte, published on 11 June, 2020 - 13:27 ) |
![]() | Newsletter - September 2020 Newsletter_Sep_2020_ENG.pdf ( 1 byte, published on 1 October, 2020 - 08:45 ) |
![]() | Newsletter - December 2020 Newsletter_Dec_2020_ENG.pdf ( 3 bytes, published on 23 December, 2020 - 12:11 ) |
![]() | Newsletter - July 2021 Newsletter_July_2021_ENG.pdf ( 1 byte, published on 15 July, 2021 - 10:57 ) |
![]() | Newsletter WALKofPEACE December 2021 Newsletter_dicembre_2021_ENG.pdf ( 765 bytes, published on 5 January, 2022 - 12:32 ) |
1. To consolidate the knowledge and awareness of a common heritage of the First World War in the PA through the preparation and organisation of cross-border billing and research programmes.
The studies have added to our knowledge of the heritage of the First World War and have been used for education and promotion. We have prepared educational, commemorative, cultural events, conferences, exhibitions and publications aimed at raising awareness, visibility and specific knowledge of the WWI heritage, including among important target groups (e.g. journalists, tourism agencies). We have promoted the development of a new tourism offer through networking activities and targeted training for stakeholders and existing and potential providers of tourism products linked to the heritage. This increased the number of expected visitors to the WWI heritage and thus contributed to the OP impact indicator C009.
2. Stimulate the development of sustainable cultural tourism by creating a destination and the Peace Trail brand, along with tourism promotion tools.
We have developed guidelines for the management of the cross-border Peace Trail between Bovec and Trieste, with long-term measures for the sustainable maintenance of the trails and objects of special interest. We have prepared guidelines for the joint marketing of the World War I heritage and to this end developed a new joint destination brand "Walk of Peace", covering both the area along the route itself and other "hot spots" of special historical interest in the whole project area. A new common web portal, modern ICT tools and other promotional materials have been developed to promote the Walk of Peace. The development of new support services has been promoted to strengthen marketing. This increased the number of expected visitors to the World War I heritage and contributed to the FP impact indicator C009.
3. Create a network of historical paths and info-points within the Peace Trail brand, by restoring and laying out the paths, info-points and monuments of particular historical importance.
By carrying out numerous restoration and extension activities on WW1 footpaths, museums and other heritage, as well as by creating new info-points and centres, we will ensure the preservation of a heritage of exceptional historical value and at the same time boost its tourism potential. We will renovate existing paths and open up new ones by positioning information signs and tourism infrastructures. We will restore particularly significant First World War monuments and museums. We will create new information points and innovative presentation centres for WW1 heritage. In this way we will contribute to the result indicator 3.1.1 PO: no. of investments/services for the conservation/restoration of cultural heritage.