Investment priorities

Investment priorities and specific objectives

All programmes under Cohesion Policy should contribute to the European Union Strategy 2020 for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and to the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion.
For this reason the Cohesion Policy Legislative package has strengthened the strategic synergies between EU policies, mainly through:
- the adoption of the Common Strategic Framework, containing the guiding principle for all ESI Funds;
- the identification of 11 Thematic Objectives  (TO) directly linked to the priorities of Europe 2020 Strategy.

In the Programme Strategy have been selected  4 Thematic Objectives and 6 Investment Priorities on the basis of thematic concentration requirements.
The overall Objective of the Programme is: “Promote innovation, sustainability and cross-border governance to create a more competitive, cohesive and livable area”.

The following 4 Priority Axes have been identified to answer to the existent needs and challenges.



Priority Axis 1 Priority Axis 2 Priority Axis 3 Priority Axis 4

Priority Axis 5: Technical Assistance

The Specific objective is the following:
SO 5.1.: To ensure the efficient management and implementation of the Programme.

Expected result
- Improved effective and efficient management of the Programme over the 2014-2020 period;
- Strengthened capacities of beneficiaries and applicants to present and effectively implement projects in line with the objectives and results set by the Programme.

Cross-cutting issues

Besides the thematic concentration on the selected Thematic Objectives, further cross-cutting issues have been identified and will be addressed in a transversal way through specific actions into the different Priority Axes:

  • Information and Communication Technologies: they represent a fundamental tool for the development of innovation, for knowledge sharing and for pursuing competitiveness in the different sectors included in the Programme strategy;

  • SME: considering the productive system of the cooperation area, SMEs are a special target which should be carefully considered with specific actions devoted to them and to the business sector;

  • Education: it is not possible producing a visible change without intervening on human capital skills and competencies. Some actions in this field are complementary and necessary for achieving the intended results;

  • Social inclusion: the Programme will contribute to a more inclusive and cohesive development by means of stimulating activities addressing needs of disadvantaged groups in order to allow them to better integrate into society;

  • Employment: unemployment – especially but not exclusively among young people - is a serious and common issue for the Programme area. An added value of projects will be therefore their aptitude to contribute to inclusive growth by promoting more and better jobs.