Priority Axis 2: Cooperating for implementation of low carbon strategies and action plans

TO 4: Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors.
IP  4e: Promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular for urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multimodal urban mobility and mitigation-relevant adaptation measures .
SO 2.1: Promotion of implementation of strategies and action plans to promote energy efficiency and to improve territorial capacities for joint low-carbon mobility planning.

Expected result
Adoption and implementation of low carbon strategies encouraging energy savings and fostering the use of alternative transportation systems and the use of alternative energy sources.

In the framework of the Priority axis 2 there are financed 7 projects, of which 5 standard and 2 strategic projects, as listed below.

Standard projects financed in the framework of the Priority axis  - Investment Priority 4e: 5

ENERGY CARE - Energy efficiency of public buildings and sustainable mobility with community engagement

INTERBIKE II - Development of multimodal connections along the Adriabike cycling path

LightingSolutions - Innovative solutions for the energy efficient lighting of public buildings

MobiTour - Sustainable mobility of cross-border coastal and hinterland tourist areas

MUSE - Cross-border collaboration for Energetically efficient Sustainable University Mobility

Strategic projects financed in the framework of the Priority axis 2 - Investment Priority 4e: 2

CROSSMOBY - Mobility planning and sustainable, cross-border and passenger transport services, in the pursuit of intermodality

SECAP - Supporting energy and climate adaptation policies