


In 2019 the programme Monitoring Committee approved the assignment of the remaining funds of the 2nd Priority Axis namely “Cooperation for the realization of strategies and plans of action in order to reduce carbon emission” to realize these two goals:

  1. maximize the performance of the Programme in term of contribution to the realization of the selected output indicator 2.1.1. (the number of the action carried out to reduce the annual consumption of primary energy by public buildings);
  2. reinforce the communication and the capitalisation (hereafter abbreviated to CAP&COM) of the Programme results.


For this purpose, the 19th of April 2019 the Managing Authority published a new invitation for the distribution of additional funds addressed to the standard projects Co-funded in the band n.02/2016 – Priority funding 4e. Within the 10th of May 2019, INTER BIKE projects II, LightingSolutions, MobiTour and ENERGY CARE express their interest and positively response.





INTER BIKE II                               Regionalni razvojni center Koper (Regional Development Centre Koper)

LightingSolutions                          Občina Šempeter-Vrtojba (Municipality of Šempeter-Vrtojba)

MobiTour                                     Javni zavod Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenija (Škocjan Caves Park)

ENERGY CARE                              Azienda territoriale per l’Edilizia residenziale della Provincia di Trieste, A.T.E.R. (Agency for Social Housing)



In relation to the second goal, the projects received an overall amount of  323.896,75 euros, this allows them to carry out various actions of CAP&COM, also involving the strategic project CROSSMOBY, which adhered to the initiative even without receiving an additional Co-founding.

The five projects, coordinated by the Managing Authority staff and the Joint Secretariat, carried out the CAP&COM measures thanks to the arrangement of a workshop namely “Interreg Italy- Slovenia Cap&Com pilot actions to foster a greener Europe”1. The workshop had been occurring in Brussels on 9th October 2019 during the European Week of Regions and Cities, the most important annual event at a European level about the cohesion policy. In this occasion the projects through an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, presented their activities and concrete results achieved in order to promote sustainability for a greener Europe. The projects also proposed five “green” pillars, listed through pilot actions as follows.



INTER BIKE II2 shows its contribution for the 1st pillar “sustainable multimedia services” using sustainable means of transport created by the project itself (bicycle + bus / bicycle + boat) along the Adriabike3 cycle lane, to reduce the traffic impact on the environment.

ENERGY CARE4 intervened on the 2nd pillar “participation” showing the infrastructural interventions   carried out by the project in Italy and Slovenia in the cross-border area, with concrete and measurable effects for the reduction of CO2 emissions, energy consumption and boosting of the multimedia sustainable mobility.

The 3rd pillars “local action (school activities)” has been carried out by MobiTour5, through its planning activities which support a sustainable mobility in costal touristic areas of the hinterland between Italy and Slovenia.

LightingSolutions6 proposed the 4th pillar “green innovation” since the project aim to improve the efficiency and the street lighting  energy management, by means of the measures provided from municipal PAES ( Action Plan for Sustainable Energy) .

The 5th pillar “strategic planning” was presented by a strategic project aiming to the planning of a new kind of cross-border sustainable mobility between Italy and Slovenia, starting from local and regional levels, and aiming also to test new means of cross-border and sustainable passengers transport, in favor of intermodal.

The debate aroused from the five pillars proposed by the projects generated a further development of the CAP&COM approach, providing a firm ground for the realization of a second workshop namely “Interreg IT-SI CAP&COM e EU Green Deal”8  which took place on 13th October 2020, also during the European Week of Regions and Cities.

Because of Covid-19 emergency, the workshop was entirely online, however it did give the projects the opportunity to show to a vast virtual audience, how the pillars proposed on 2019 and the reciprocal collaboration from a CAP&COM perspective, an actually contribute to the achievement of some European Green Deal goals, namely the set of politic initiatives proposed by European Commission, with the general target of achieve climatic neutrality in Europe by 2050.  The projects complementary and jointly presented the results of the development of debate promotion deriving from the five pillars suggested the prior year and also their experiences and future expectation, showing how this job benefits are exportable and able to promote a green and sustainable  development across the Programme area borders.

In addition to the workshop, the projects also contributed to the realization of the virtual stand “Interreg Italy-Slovenia Green Connections9 aiming to show how the Programme supported projects which seek to establish green connection in all its area and focus its experience to achieve a greener Europe.

Despite Covid-19 health crisis, on 21st October 2020 in concomitance with the European Union Green Week 2020, the five projects lastly organized a joint cross-border event namely “Planning togheter” 10, which took place online. During the interactive session there were presented the carried-out CAP&COM activities   and also the concrete results of the projects, so as to provide an early analysis in comparison with the areas and the territories where these results still need cooperation for further improvement.

At the end of the workshop there was also a new proposal formulated thanks to direct contribution of the participants with planning ideas to develop in the future to continue reinforcing the cross-border cooperation in the “green” field during the next programming period, exchanging experiences and contributing to a greener, more cohesive and livable Programme area. 


Group photo of the workshop “Interreg Italy-Slovenia Cap&Com pilot actions to foster a greener Europe”, Brussels 9th october 2019