WASTE DESIGN - The first underground waste collectors in Postojna


As part of the Waste design project, the Municipality of Postojna, which is also a leading partner in the project, acquired the first two underground collectors for separate waste collection, namely on Titova cesta near the cemetery and on Volaričeva ulica. In January, the Municipality of Postojna will install underground collectors on the ecological island on Tržaška cesta on the other side of Mercator center.


An informal opening event took place today, when the underground garbage cans were also officially dedicated to their purpose, where we saw the demonstration of the emptying of containers made by company Publicus, which are the first in our municipality. Mayor Igor Marentič, head of the Waste design project in the Municipality of Postojna, Maja Piškur, and representative of the company Publikus Darja Žužek addressed those present in the openihg.


As was pointed out in the speeches, the Municipality of Postojna is working hard for improvements and sustainable solutions in the field of waste management. The idea of the project, which came to life last year and whose results are now being successfully realized, dates back to 2019. It is an important and modern solution that is also gaining ground in other major cities across Slovenia. The purpose of the Waste design project is to improve waste management with the help of new, green technologies and equipment modernization and at the same time raise awareness among citizens and the general public about the importance of waste separation and recycling. The project is implemented as part of the Interreg Italy-Slovenia program, Postojna municipality is the leading partner of a consortium of four partners (Public utility company Izola, Isontina ambiente and IUAV). The project will be completed in March 2023, by which time new urban equipment made of recycled building material will be installed in Postojna, the prototype of which was made by the project partner IUAV and Venice.


At the Titove ceste and Volaričeva ulica location, users can drop off mixed waste packaging (yellow bin), paper and cardboard, as well as paper and cardboard packaging (blue bin) and glass packaging (green bin). At the Volaričeva ulica location, there are also additional collectors for waste clothing and textiles, small waste electrical and electronic equipment, and waste cooking oil. Dropping waste into the bins is easy. You dispose the waste by pressing the foot pedal located on the lower right side of the individual bin, thereby opening the lid of the bin, into which you can then deposit the waste brought.


Underground collectors have a volume of 3 or 5 m3, they are also equipped with technology for monitoring and reporting the fullness of the collectors. It is a more advanced municipal waste collection system from both a functional and an aesthetic point of view. The underground collectors at the mentioned locations are specially arranged and placed in the environment with the aim of regulating the unprecedented state of waste disposal, and in addition, the project also contributed to the rationalization of the work process, i.e. reducing the emptying and driving of trucks.


We want citizens to handle waste responsibly. At this point, we therefore urge users once again to put only waste that belongs there in the bins and not to put other waste next to the bins, because in this way you cause unnecessary additional cleaning costs and spoil the image of your place.


We urge citizens to dispose of waste responsibly, as this shows concern for cleanliness and our environment.

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( 2 bytes, published on 23 December, 2022 - 11:18 )
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