Updates about Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia Programme implementation


Following the approval by the Monitoring Committee of the ranking lists four calls for the submission of standard projects on June 28th, 2017, the Joint Secretariat has planned the individual meetings with the 27 LPs of the projects admitted to funding, in order to provide them with the first set of management guidelines and methods as well as to check the timing of the indicators and the project results - as also encouraged by the Monitoring Committee. Such meetings are still ongoing and its conclusion is expected in the first half of September.

During the summer, the Managing Authority, with the support of the Joint Secretariat, started all pre-contractual controls under the current legislation and is assessing and processing the data and information acquired as a necessary pre-contractual phase for subscribing the subsidy  contracts. For contributions falling under the State Aid Regimes, it is worth to inform that the Italian e-National Aid Registry (RNA) is online from August 12nd, 2017 and its function is to ensure that public funds are granted in compliance with the provisions laid down in the relevant Community legislation. It was therefore started the uploading of the Programme's action measures and the related calls in order to comply with the new provisions in this field.