SECAP: 11.10.21 Online workshop - "Approaches and tools for implementing PAESC"


In the framework of the activities of the SECAP Interreg VA Italy-Slovenia project, the third training  workshop was organised for the Veneto area. The activity was coordinated by Iuav University of Venice  with the collaboration of the Metropolitan City of Venice and Unioncamere Veneto. The workshop is  organised under the patronage of the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservators of the  Province of Venice and is aimed at professionals and technicians in the sector. The workshop was not  recognised for the purpose of awarding training credits. The workshop was attended by 26 participants.  
The workshop was held with the aim of reporting and sharing the outcomes and future lines of innovation of  the SECAP project. In addition, to carry out a technical-scientific reflection activity on key issues for the  definition of an integrated approach to the assessment of adaptation to climate change. 
The results achieved were presented through partner presentations and speeches by the Autonomous  Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, ARPAV, the Metropolitan City of Venice, Area Science Park, the Municipality  of San Stino di Livenza, the Energy Division and the IUAV University of Venice. 

The structure of the workshop compares two scales of intervention. 

  • The first scale focuses on the transnational approach of the project, both in the definition phase of  climate impacts and in the implementation phase of policies for the development of regional and  local strategies, consistent with national ones. 
  • The second scale enriches the design reflection with a discussion of some empirical evidence on the  effectiveness of local adaptation strategies. 

Speakers included: 

  • Dr. Nicolo’ Tudorov, Direzione centrale difesa dell’ambiente, energia e sviluppo sostenibile,  Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia 
  • Prof. Denis Maragno – Assistant Professor in Urban Planning and GIScience, Università Iuav di  Venezia 
  • Dr. Francesco Rech - Arpa Veneto, “Cambiamento climatico - Quali evidenze in Veneto”. • Dr. Carlo Federico dall’Omo e Dr. Gianfranco Pozzer, Researchers Università Iuav di Venezia, “Dalle  analisi di vulnerabilità alla strategia per il territorio”. 
  • Urb. Massimo Pizzato - Responsabile Area Uso e Assetto del territorio della Città Metropolitana di  Venezia, “Dalle strategie al supporto degli enti locali nella pianificazione” 
  • Dr. Stefano Alessandrini - Area Science Park, “Piani di Azione, l’esperienza del Comune di Trieste”. • Ing. Gloria Natali - Divisione Energia, “PAESC intercomunali, l’esperienza del Veneto Orientale”.
Workshop - 11.10.21_IUAV_SLO.pdf
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Incontro SECAP - 11.10.2021_Tudorov_SLO.pdf
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presentazione_PM_evento IUAV_11 10 2021_slo.pdf
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Presentazione ARPAV SECAP 11ott2021_SLO.pdf
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presentazione_PM_evento IUAV_11 10 2021.pdf
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Presentazione paesc_light.pdf
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Presentazione ARPAV SECAP 11ott2021.pdf
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Incontro SECAP - 11.10.2021_Tudorov.pdf
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