On 30 June 2020, the staff of the Unione degli Italiani based in Capodistria/Koper, as LP of the European strategic project PRIMIS Multicultural journey between Italy and Slovenia through the prism of minorities / Večkulturno popotovanje med Slovenijo in Italijo skozi prizmo manjšin, funded by the Interreg Program VA Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020, paid a visit to the SMO (Slovensko multimedialno okno / Slovenian multimedia window), the museum of the Slovenian national community of Friuli Venezia Giulia created in San Pietro al Natisone (Udine) within the JEZIK- project LANGUAGE funded by the Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 program.
The visit to the SMO, the second after a first one in April last year, is linked to the construction of a similar multimedia center which will be located in Capodistria/Koper, in the Palazzo Gravisi-Buttorai at present undergoing restructuring, owned by the Unione degli Italiani, which it will become the first multimedia, interactive and digital museum of the Italian National Community in Slovenia and Croatia.
The meeting with the SMO managers, also present in the PRIMIS partnership, was organized in order to share the experience gained over the years, to learn the best solutions adopted in its management. In fact, the SMO was conceived as an active, dynamic, welcoming and stimulating space, founded on communication, where the story about places unfolds, through the theming of the aspects that characterize the culture of the territory. A narrative reconnaissance of a territory to listen to, which recognizes the language as a connective of a culture rich in variations that build microcosms overflowing with stories. A solution that should be adopted for the multimedia center of Koper and also in the other two MM centers envisaged by the project, which will arise in Trieste, at the Narodni Dom and at the Bibione lighthouse, in Veneto.