FORTIS: D. Cooperation network


Another important result achieved with the FORTIS project was ensured by the establishment of the Working Table focusing on vehicle registration and on-the-spot checks of heavy goods vehicles called ‘Methods of cross-border cooperation for heavy traffic control/Oblike čezmejnega sodelovanja za nadzor težkega tovornega prometa’, which represented the place where the cooperation network was established. 
This network was established with a top-down approach, rather than a bottom-up approach, originally foreseen in FORTIS. This has led to closer cooperation between the Central Infrastructure and Territory Directorate of the FVG Region and the Terrestrial Transport Directorate of the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia and its Rubber Transport Division, as evidenced by the agreement reached in less than a year, to start some concrete activities at cross-border level, experimenting on the spot a joint and joint activity in the field of controls on heavy goods vehicles, which took place in four days on 12, 13, 14 and 15 October, 2021 and which is one of the pilot actions foreseen in FORTIS.

D. Cooperation network IT.PDF
( 601 bytes, published on 29 September, 2022 - 12:41 )
D. Cooperation network SL.PDF
( 605 bytes, published on 29 September, 2022 - 12:41 )