ENGREEN - Joint webinar of 6 Axis 3 projects: "Management, enhancement and conservation of ecosystems and habitats" held on 10 June 2022


The ENGREEN project is one of the six projects beneficiaries of additional funds of the Call for Proposals No. 7/2019 for supplementary pilot activities under Priority Axis 3, which organised on 10 June 2022 the joint webinar entitled "Management, valorisation and conservation of ecosystems and habitats" during which the results achieved by the 6 projects of the Axis 3 Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia (Aquavitis, Bee diversity, Eco-smart, Engreen, Green Hull and Tretamara) were presented. 

During the webinar, the ENGREEN project introduced the activities carried out in support of the project's main objective (preserving or restoring habitats for endangered animal and plant species in the project areas) : Škocjan Cave Park and the Natura 2000 Karst areas (SI3000276, SI5000023) in Slovenia and the Rosandra Valley Nature Reserve, Stalis Mill Area, Lemene and Reghena River Park and Cinto Lake and the wetland in the area of a former sugar refinery in Ceggia, Italy.

The project successfully completed as many as 19 infrastructure investments and pilot activities: restoration of ponds, an icehouse, dry stone walls, embankment restoration, census of protected species related to green infrastructure and restoration of native vegetation.

Public awareness events were also important. We organised numerous guided tours of protected areas, workshops, and training courses, during which we introduced various target groups to the problems and importance of green infrastructure and related animal and plant species.

To learn more about ENGREEN and other participating projects, we invite you to view the presentations and webinar recording at the following links: 

SLOVENE VERSION: https://www.ita-slo.eu/sl/vse-novice/news/eco-smart-200622-rezultati-spletne-konference-z-naslovom-upravljanje-krepitev

ITALIAN VERSION: https://www.ita-slo.eu/it/tutte-le-notizie/news/eco-smart-200622-risultanze-della-conferenza-online-dal-titolo-gestione


Programma-progrma WEBINAR 10.6.2022Programma-progrma WEBINAR 10.6.2022
6 projects Webinar_programma_program_10_06_22.pdf
( 1 byte, published on 29 June, 2022 - 12:14 )
Presentazione-predstavitev ENGREEN 10.6.2022Presentazione-predstavitev ENGREEN 10.6.2022
webinar_10_06_22 ENGREEN.pdf
( 7 bytes, published on 29 June, 2022 - 12:14 )