You are welcome to join the event "Let’s clean up our geosite" that will take place on Saturday, August 27th. It will be organized as a part of the GeoKarst project, by the Geological Service of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia in cooperation with the Italian cooperative Shoreline and the patronage of the Duino-Aurisina – Devin Nabrežina municipality.

A little-known geosite, but at the same time a notable representative of the high vulnerability of the karst environment, is the area between Duino-Devin and Villaggio del Pescatore, where the waters of some coastal karst springs of the Timavo-Reka acquifer emerge.

In addition to the message that we should not leave waste in nature, the goal is to raise public awareness of the importance of preserving sources of fresh water and coastal areas, as they are very valuable.



  • 9:30 - 9:40 Gathering of participants at the beach site of Villaggio del Pescatore near the old quarry, where they will be provided with everything they need to carry out the clean-up as safely as possible - gloves, garbage bags and other accessories.
  • 9:40 - 11:30 Cleaning of the sea site area, along with cleaning of the sea itself. Qualified divers will dispose toxic waste which harms the ecosystem. The waste which was in the sea for longer periods of time and is already covered in algae will be removed and carefully cleaned to enable the return of algae into the ecosystem.
  • 11:30 The end of the event with a snack and a gift for the volunteers, as a thank you for their help in maintaining the geosite.

All collected waste will be carefully sorted into garbage containers, which will be lent to us by the company ISONTINA AMBIENTE srl.


Registration of participants is preferred, however, the organizers are keeping open the possibility of freely joining the cleaning campaign during the event.
More information about the event and the registration of participants at ripuliamoilmare@gmail.com


The event Clean up our geosite is organized as part of the GeoKarst project, which is co-financed by the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia Cooperation Program (European Fund for Regional Development). As part of the project, the cross-border area of ​​the karst plateau, is establishing a cross-border geopark, which will, among other things, connect the cross-border tourist offer.