SECAP: The commitment of local authorities on climate change - New models of intervention


29th May 2019,Trieste, 9:00am
Tessitori Room
Piazza G. Oberdan n. 5

During the meeting will be analyzed the climatic changes that affected the Italian Slovenia cross-border program area, a natural framework for the presentation of the SECAP program "Support for energy policies and climate adaptation", funded by the European Community with the Call of the Italy Slovenia Cooperation Program for strategic projects.

The event is organized within the SECAP project which aims at the cross-border sharing of tools, methodologies and databases to accelerate the evolution from PAES (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) to PAESC (Energy Action Plan) Sustainable and Climate), to generate positive effects on the local planning of the entire program area. This transition towards a low-carbon society will be demonstrated in a number of pilot implementations, which will involve Municipalities / UTIs / Metropolitan Cities, often already involved in the Covenant of Mayors and will include support for the launch of PAESC models with investments also in infrastructure.

Participation in the event is free

For registrations: 

Funded Project Event
Data evento: 
Wednesday, May 29, 2019