The INTERREG Italy-Slovenia Program also attended at ProMIS WINTER SCHOOL

From 7th to 9th March 2023 at Double Tree Hilton in Trieste was hold the WINTER SCHOOL, concerning “Cohesion Politics and the Challenge of Regional Health Systems” developed by the International Health Program – ProMIS in the national training program with long-known referees and Regional/Public Administrations Stakeholders at health administration (Policy makers, Managers, Clinical Operators, Researchers, Administratives), at the Ministry of health and other national authorities.

Laura Comelli, leading the Managing authority and Aljoša Sosol, Responsible for joint secretariat, held the technical workshop “Conference about transnational health” on 7th March. Their aims are to provide a fluid comunication on health between Managing authorities and Italian Regions about existing tools such as the European Territory Cooperation (CTE), also providing a concrete and detailed analysis of the main investment policy in the European Union, the main financial management tools as the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Program. This supports the transformation and the innovation of local ecosystems for health and economical, social and territorial cohesion, for an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive future.