Important visit on Friday, 17 February 2023, to the restored headquarters of Palazzo Gravisi-Buttorai in Koper, where the Gravisi Italian Multimedia Center is being set up, created by the Italian Union, as part of the PRIMIS strategic project (Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014 -2020).
The headquarters and the work that has been done were visited by the Rapporteur of DG REGIO of the European Commission, Dr. Anna Monika Modzelavska, accompanied by Dr. Laura Comelli, of the Italy-Slovenia Interreg Program Management Authority and by Dr. Aljoša Sosol, Coordinator of the Joint Secretariat of the same Programme. To welcome the guests were the President of the Italian Union, Maurizio Tremul, the Euro project managers, Sandro Vincoletto and Marko Gregorič and the volunteers of the Universal Civil Service who are lending their work at the Italian Union of Capodistria, Ilaria Cursio, Ludovica Rossi and Edward Sanzovo.
The representatives of the Italian Union presented the experiences acquired in several decades of European projecting, illustrated the PRIMIS project, its aims and the results achieved, both for the Italian National Community in Slovenia and Croatia, and for the whole territory of the Plan. They then underlined the importance of continuing cross-border cooperation initiatives and answered questions from Dr. Modzelavska who showed keen interest in the topics covered.
The delegation then expressed its appreciation of the aims of the PRIMIS project, underlining the fundamental role of national and linguistic minorities in the European Union.
During the meeting, the prospects for strengthening the territorial integration between Trieste and Istria were also discussed, in the footsteps of the by now well-established and functioning reality of the EGTC of Gorizia-Nova Gorica-Šempeter-Vrtojba.