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News & events | GeoKarst: Cross-border Geopark Karst-Carso Week from May 23 to June 5, 2022
Created 18 May, 2022 - 12:26
Discover the secrets of the Karst underground, walk through the Karst cave, sample Karst cuisine, and learn about the Karst man's heritage, and much more.
Discover the Classic Karst cross-border geopark!
- 23. 4.: Introduction to the Cross-Border Geopark in the Karst
- from 23. 5. to 3. 6.: Lessons on geology and Karst formation (for elementary schools in the area of the cross-border geopark Karst-Carso)
- 27. 5.: Presentation of the Science Day "Man and Karst" (for school representatives)
- 27. 5.: Guided hike through the Glinščica valley
- 28. 5.: Cross-border guided hike through the Living Museum of Karst and the Scattered Museum of Water on Karst thematic routes
- 29.5.: Guided cross-border hike "Medvek and its Java"
- from 29. 5. to 5. 6.: Guided tours of Karst caves
- 30. 5.: Guided geological hike along the Škocjan Learning Path
- 31. 5.: Cross-border educational workshop "Tour along the Emerging Cross-border Geopark in the Karst"
- 1. 6.: Professional-educational workshop of the Cross-border Karst-Carso Geopark with a social programme (for local participants)
- 1. 6.: Guided tour of "Geo-discovery of Carsiana"
- 2. 6.: Geo-cycling trip in the vicinity of the Nabrežinske quarries
- 2. 6.: Guided tour of the Lipica quarry
- 3. 6.: Guided trip through Doberdob - exploring Doberdob's intermittent lake
- 5. 6.: A journey through the forest in search of a geo-treasure along the Josef Ressl Learning Path and a hunt for the Geostationarity of the Igovec Forest
- 5. 6.: Guided hike on the Rilke Trail over the Sistiana Bay
More information: https://www.visitkras.info/nacrtuj-obisk/dogodki/tedna-cezmejnega-geoparka-kras-carso and click on the top right to select English.