Introductory meeting within the project GeoKarst - Kick off meeting

On Wednesday, 16 September 2020, an introductory meeting - kick off meeting - of the GeoKarst project took place in the Municipality of Sežana, which otherwise started in February 2020.
The introductory meeting was the second meeting of project partners, of which the leading partner is the Municipality of Sežana, which also hosted the event. The project partners are also: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - Direzione centrale ambientale ed energia – Servizio geologico; Public Institution Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenia and Regione del Veneto – Area Tutela e Sviluppo del Territorio – Direzione Difesa del Suolo. 
The meeting was attended by representatives of all partners and also most of the thirteen associated partners, as well as some key stakeholders, without whom we cannot imagine participating in the GeoKarst project.
At the kick off meeting, the project was presented in more detail, highlighting the main goal of the project, which is the establishment of a cross-border geopark and the preparation
of the management plan. The establishment of a geopark is important for cross-border cooperation in the region and joint management of the area. The geopark will also have a significant impact on the development of sustainable tourism and mobility, as well as on the recognition of the Karst as a region, as its placement in the UNESCO global network of geoparks is planned. The realisation of all project activities will contribute to many other achievements that are important from the point of view of upgrading cooperation in the Karst.
The project partners presented their role in the project and the activities implemented so far. The Friuli Venezia Giulia region will improve the operation of the didactic-natural science centre in Bazovica and significantly participate in the preparation of the documentation for the geopark. Park Škocjanske jame presented Vrata Krasa, a facility, that will be an entry point to the geopark and whose documentation is being prepared as a part of the project, and the Veneto region will participate in exchanging experiences and good practices for conservation and use of geological points.
The meeting was followed by a guided tour of the botanical garden and interpretation centre of karst vegetation in Sežana.

You can also follow the project on Facebook and Instagram!

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