PRIMIS - The Multimedia Centre of the Bibione Lighthouse


The partner GAL Venezia Orientale - VegAl will set up a multimedia centre of indigenous languages and cultures at the Punta Tagliamento lighthouse in Bibione, located in the municipality of San Michele al Tagliamento, with the aim of promoting the language and culture of the Friulian minority present in the territory.

The multimedia centre will be a highly evocative environment and will offer an experiential, immersive and freely accessible path for the public.

The concept of the new centre will be based on a multicultural journey into the intangible heritage of the area: a journey virtually illuminated by the light beam of the lighthouse, which brushes the visual horizon of the exhibition hall, showing us a cultural landscape made of a plurality of languages, a multiplicity of faces, a diversity of environments and individual paths.

The narration will focus on a central installation of great evocative and emotional impact, which will allow both individual and group use.

The heart of the exhibition will be a large static dynamic multimedia model, in which the three-dimensional reconstruction of the area is brought to life by a zenithal projection that dynamically interacts with a large-format movie on the wall. It is an integrated technological system controlled by a control sensor that does not require physical touch to activate the video content, thus overcoming the security problems associated with touch systems in this moment of COVID emergency.

Alongside this central story, the other narrative echoes will rotate, hosted by immersive graphics made more alive by effective dynamic backlighting, so as to ensure the visitor a varied, exciting and engaging experience. The room will also present a large monitor, set in the scenography of the walls, which will become a sort of open window on the multicultural landscape object of the set-up, also representing an evocative light beam of the Bibione Lighthouse, which brushes the horizon showing episodes of its multiculturality and linguistic plurality.

The works of the multimedia centre will be completed by January 2021.


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