Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency.
Protecting and promoting natural and cultural resources
TRETAMARA contributed to drafting common guidelines at the transnational level for an integrated management plan for marine habitats of high ecological value, in perfect synergy with the overall program objective of promoting sustainability and transboundary governance, as well as with project actions to protect and enhance natural resources and strengthen integrated ecosystem management for sustainable land development.
In the northern Adriatic there are marine and littoral habitats that host an enormous biodiversity of animals and plants, such as the biogenic-geogenic outcrops of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto, the dead corallites of Cladocora caespitosa on the Slovenian side and the numerous coastal SAC -SPAs. The results of the Trecorala project (Interreg Ita-Slo 2007-13) allowed an assessment of the ecological status of the geo-biogenic formations recognized as Sites of Community Interest due to the presence of priority habitats such as corallites, rhodoliths and marl beds. In Slovenia, Cladocora caespitosa formations are found in the marine protected areas Punta Grossa Natural Monument and Strunjan Natural Park. TRETAMARA leveraged existing knowledge by promoting best management practices and facilitating the harmonization of management plans at the Upper Adriatic level through the development of national and transnational guidelines for the integrated management of marine coastal habitats of high ecological value.
TRETAMARA results strengthen ecosystem management by contributing to the specific outcomes of the program through improved conservation status of habitats (3.2.A) and species (3.2.B); the project defined tools for the assessment and promotion of ecosystem services. The activity identified and collected existing material on habitats and management plans. It took into account the results of all projects in the program area and the results of actions to develop management plans. Tretamara carried out transboundary biodiversity pilot actions that were replicated in individual partner areas. The actions concerned coastal marine habitats of high ecological value such as the Trezze and Tegnue biogeogenic formations, the detrital seabed of Piran Bay characterized by the presence of Cladocora caespitosa, and coastal areas with grasslands of Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera marina associated with the presence of Pinna nobilis. Key restoration actions for the main plant and animal species studied were also developed, and a document with national and transnational guidelines for the integrated management of marineand coastal habitats of high ecological value was drafted.
Lead Partner
Project partner 1
Project partner 2
Project partner 3
![]() | TRETAMARA_Pinna_Emiliano Gordini_09062021.pdf ( 4 bytes, published on 9 February, 2023 - 18:13 ) |
![]() | 2022_21_06_TRETAMARA_x_NIB_SAUL_MARTINA.pdf ( 2 bytes, published on 9 February, 2023 - 18:13 ) |
![]() | ECDAY_TRETAMARA.pdf ( 3 bytes, published on 9 February, 2023 - 18:13 ) |
![]() | webinar_10_06_22_TRETAMARA.pdf ( 2 bytes, published on 9 February, 2023 - 18:13 ) |
![]() | WP3_2_TRETAMARA _NIB2_Pitacco.pdf ( 2 bytes, published on 9 February, 2023 - 18:13 ) |
![]() | TRETAMARA_WP3_1_ATT6_Smernice–Načrti-upravljanja.pdf ( 2 bytes, published on 10 February, 2023 - 15:18 ) |
![]() | TRETAMARA_Pinna_Emiliano Gordini_09062021.pdf ( 4 bytes, published on 10 February, 2023 - 15:18 ) |
![]() | ANDREA_Bergamasco_ video_tematici.pdf ( 1004 bytes, published on 10 February, 2023 - 15:18 ) |
![]() | COMUNE_CAORLE_OASI MARINA_ZTB.pdf ( 10 bytes, published on 10 February, 2023 - 15:18 ) |
![]() | Presentazione Emiliano Gordini.pdf ( 6 bytes, published on 10 February, 2023 - 15:18 ) |
![]() | SANDRA_DONNICI_Le tegnùe come geosito_3.pdf ( 6 bytes, published on 10 February, 2023 - 15:18 ) |
In the northern Adriatic, there are marine and littoral habitats that favour and support animal and plant biodiversity, such as the biogenic-geogenic outcrops in the FVG and Veneto regions, the dead corallites of Cladocora caespitosa on the Slovenian side, and the numerous coastal SPAs. Based on the results of previous projects, it was possible to assess the ecological status of geo-biogenic formations recognised as Sites of Community Interest due to the presence of priority habitats such as coral, rhodolith and marl beds. In Slovenia, the Cladocora caespitosa formations are located on the borders of the marine protected areas Punta Grossa Natural Monument and Strunjan Natural Park. The main objective of TRETAMARA was to prepare a transnational analysis document for the management plans of marine and coastal protected areas in the upper Adriatic. This document aims to provide the technical-scientific support for the elaboration of common guidelines at transnational level for an integrated management plan for marine habitats of high ecological value, in perfect synergy with the overall objective of the programme, which is to promote transboundary sustainability and governance. An equally important objective was to promote social awareness of the high ecological value of treces, tegnue, detrital environments and cladocora formations in order to raise awareness among a wide range of potential users of these habitats, such as economic stakeholders, bodies/administrations responsible for their management/monitoring, research institutes, local associations, etc. Currently, the project has been completed and all the objectives set in the planning phase have been achieved. The most important result was the preparation of a study based on the transnational analysis of the management plans of marine and coastal protected areas in the Northern Adriatic. All pilot actions were completed in relation to the calcareous algae Pinna nobilis and Cladocora caespitosa (sampling, geophysical surveys, structure-from-motion surveys). The collected data were analysed and used in the different dissemination activities. The consolidated partnership under the project brings together different but complementary competences in the field of marine research and management and ensures relationships with professionals from both countries. The participation of numerous associated partners spread throughout the territory ensured the involvement of decision makers and ensured the transferability of the project results and their application in concrete actions.
WP3.1 - Elaboration of transnational common guidelines for an integrated management plan for marine and littoral habitats of high ecological value.
The area of 2500 ha of habitat co-funded to achieve a better conservation status was affected by the harmonisation of existing management plans at the level of the Northern Adriatic through the drafting of a transnational analysis document of the management plans of the marine and littoral protected areas of the Northern Adriatic.
WP 3.1 - Pilot biodiversity actions that can be effectively replicated and that will improve transboundary cooperation also in terms of conservation of species and habitats that are still poorly known.
SSS, MB, photogrammetric geophysical methods have been used for monitoring and mapping P. nobilis and seagrass beds. User-friendly techniques were perfected to mitigate the effects of climate change on a species of great importance to the Adriatic Sea, such as the cushion madrepore (Cladocora caespitosa). Special attention was paid to enhancing the biogeological uniqueness of the Adriatic Coral Sea by studying methanogenic lithification processes and colonisation of bioconstructors, including experimental activities for transplantation of calcareous algae. Work was carried out on the restoration of seagrass beds with Cymodocea nodosa and Pinna nobilis, and a project was developed for the creation of the Tegnùe di Chioggia marine geoplan.
Promotion of social awareness of the ecological value of Trezze, Tegnùe, detrital environments and Cladocora formations.
During the implementation of the TRETAMARA project, participatory processes were activated, ranging from the communication dimension (creation and dissemination of information) to the vision dimension (building a shared vision and long-term planning) and the decision-making dimension (participation in concrete decisions, in the operational implementation and in the management of the follow-up processes). New immersive and 3D visitation systems have been developed using underwater videoconferencing.
The Project started on 03/02/2020 and concluded on 31/07/2022