High school students at the Universtiy of Nova Gorica campus in Ajdovščina with the NANO-REGION project



In January 2020 prof. Mattia Fanettia, a professor at University of Nova Gorica shared an interest knowledge on the capabilities of the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with the students from the "Veno Pilon" high school in Ajdovščina. He gave a lecture titleed "Electron microscopy for investigation of nano-things" for last year students. The students were also asked to imagine and propose experiments to be performed with SEM microscope on samples of their interest. Later in February the students visited the University of Nova Gorica campus in Ajdovščina, and performed, together with SEM expert, two experiments selected out of their proposals.

This activity is part of the objectives of the project which intends not only to make nanotechnologies available to the entrepreneurial fabric, but also to promote consciusness of their role in the community.

The partners have focused this objective in particular in to the new generations, to favor the undertaking of scientific careers oriented to the nano world and thus continue to enrich the technological proposal of the future of nanosciences.