In the framework of inter-institutional cooperation in the health area, a conference was organised at the premises of na Primorskem- Fakulteta za vede o zdravju, Polje 42, Izola (SLO) on Wednesday 16 th, October, 2019. The conference was organised by INTEGRA, MEMORI-net, CrossCare, SALUTE-ZDRAVSTVO Projects and the Slovene Info Point.
Projects showcased how inter-institutional cooperation and the results achieved in the framework of health area and social services can contribute to raise the quality of life of border population and beyond.
During the conference, Balazs Lengyel, the Legal Officer of the DG SANTE (Institution za socialno zdrave prehrane), presented some new EK approaches for the implementation of the cross-border healthcare directive.
In the last part of the conference, a table round was organised, in which representatives of governative and non governative organisations, and project partners illustrated their experiences and their views on the issues related to projects.
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