The final event EDUKA2: study material, e-learning and recognition of academic titles/qualifications and the press conference of the project EDUKA2 – Cross-border governance of education, will take place at the Tessitori Hall - Consiglio regionale della Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (Piazza Oberdan 5, Trieste) on Thursday, April 18, 2019, at 11 am.
The project was co-financed by funds made available in a call for proposals for standard projects that are part of the Interreg Cooperation programme V-A Italia–Slovenia 2014–2020 and funds from the European Regional Development Fund.
The results of the project activities which started in September 2017 will be presented. The didactic material for the schools of the border area, namely the so-called “cross-border classes”, the models for teaching minority languages and literature from the cross-border area and the tools for teaching Slovene and Italian as neighboring languages will be illustrated. The project included training for teachers and professors, which enabled the transfer of knowledge and the dissemination of didactic models mentioned above. The training will also be available in the form of e-courses on the online platform Moreover, universities will use the tools for students and graduates in the processes of recognition of academic titles and qualifications acquired in the neighboring country realized in the framework of the project EDUKA2.
The project aim is to strengthen the cross-border cooperation in the field of education by developing common didactic tools and educational models. Activities are dedicated especially to schools and universities in the programme area. Learn more about EDUKA2:, FB Projekt/Progetto Eduka2.
The project's Lead partner is the Slovene research institute (SLORI). Project partners are: the Institute for Ethnic Studies (INV), Societât Filologjiche Furlane – the Friulian Philological Society Graziadio Isaia Ascoli, the University of Nova Gorica, Ca’ Foscari University, the University of Primorska - Faculty of Education.
The project's associated partners are: the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Education Office – the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research; the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia; the Department for Education and Science of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Contact person:
Zaira Vidau, project manager
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