The Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme (CP) was approved by the European Commission by Decision C(2015)9285 of 15/12/2015. Within the Programme, the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) constitutes a significant implementation tool for the area comprised within the municipalities of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba with a total financial allocation of EUR 10.000.000 ( ERDF contribution – 85% and national co-financing – 15%). The ITI will be managed and implemented by the Office for Intermediate Body (OIB), a separated and functional independent Unit of the GECT GO/EZTS GO.
On 17th September 2014 the Task Force of the Italy-Slovenia Cooperation Programme decided to introduce in the Cooperation Programme the ITI - Integrated Territorial Investment for the implementation of two pilot actions presented by the GECT GO/EZTS GO: the projects "Building a cross-border healthcare network” and "Isonzo-Soča cross-border nature park", with a financial allocation of EUR 10.000.000.
To this end, specific cross-border Task Forces were set up with the aim of setting up and managing the two pilot actions.
With regard to the Task Force of the pilot action “Isonzo-Soča cross-border nature park", it is foreseen the secondment of some employees of the technical offices of Municipality of Nova Gorica, Municipality of Gorizia and Municipality of Šempeter-Vrtojba. This dedicated staff will become connecting points between GECT GO/EZTS GO and their municipalities, in order to gain technical governmental expertise as well as develop specific professional skills within administrations necessary for the executive, detailed and legislative elaboration of projects.
Regarding the Task Force of the pilot action “Building a cross-border healthcare network”, Azienda per l'Assistenza Sanitaria n. 2 "Bassa Friulana-Isontina", Splošna bolnišnica "Dr. Franca Derganca" and Zdravstveni dom osnovno varstvo of Nova Gorica have identified within their structures the staff responsible for setting up and managing the cross-border activities of the pilot action in agreement with the directorate of GECT GO/EZTS GO and the respective bodies.
Both “Building a cross-border healthcare network” and “Isonzo-Soča cross-border nature park” Task Forces will work in close conjunction with committees involved. The urban planning committee will be responsible for coordinating activities with the sport committee and culture committee under the pilot action “Isonzo-Soča cross-border nature park”. While the health committee will be responsible for coordinating activities with the urban planning committee in the framework of the pilot action “Building a cross-border healthcare network”.
This proposal allows additional flexibility in the management of the two pilot actions, weighs on committees, and strengthens communication and management of project activities between GECT GO/EZTS GO and municipalities, and between GECT GO/EZTS GO and health authorities/ hospitals.