Cerebral stroke: MEMORI-net and the new rehabilitation perspectives


On Friday 26th October 2018, at Bibione Thermae, the MEMORI-net consortium organizes a medical professionals' event focused on the new rehabilitation perspectives in the context of the cerebral stroke.
The event will include some theoretical talks (in the morning) and some training schools-working groups (in the afternoon).

The agenda of the event is the following one:

9.30 Registration of the participants
10.00 Presentation of the course
10.20 First Session: 
Neurobiological aspects (moderators: Prof. Manganotti; Dr. Bazzano)
- Ischemic Stroke: Clinical and Therapeutic Implications (Dr. Rojc)
- Neurobiological Markers of Post-Stroke Rehabilitation (Prof. Tongiorgi)
11.00 Second Session: 
Neuromotor aspects (moderators: Dr. Lucangeli; Dr.ssa Bonzi)
- Assessment and rehabilitation of motor deficit in ischemic stroke (Dr. Angelo Lucangeli)
- Neuromotor rehabilitation by Neurofeedback (Prof. Battaglini)
10.40 Third Session: 
Neurocognitive aspects (moderators: Prof. Rumiati; Dr. D'Anna)
- Neuropsychological assessment in patients with stroke (Dr. Galli)
- Neurocognitive rehabilitation in patients with stroke (Dr. Lunardelli)
12.20 Discussion
13.00 lunch break
Training School
(Working Groups)

1. The clinical assessment of the patient
- Neurological scales (EON, NIH, Barthel, Pain, Allodynia - Dr. Baldi)
- Cognitive scales (Dr.ssa Galli)
- Motor scales (Dr. Montagner)

2. A new App for the Rehabilitation of Executive Functions (Dr. Lunardelli)

3. Neurofeedback (Dr. Jarmolowska, Miladinovic, Marco Colussi)

4. The ICT Platform: innovation, functioning, output and data transmission (Dr. Marceglia)

16.00 Concluding remarks
16.30 Closing of the works


More details are available here: http://memorinet.eu/index.php/en/events-and-news/108-26-october-2018-memori-net-event 

The materials of the event (photos and slides) are available here: http://memorinet.eu/index.php/en/medical-professional/19-events/125-26-october-2018-memori-net-event

Funded Project Event
Data evento: 
Friday, October 26, 2018