We present DIVA pilot projects – OLAF Cargo, Xmobile


The next two DIVA pilot projects we present, innovate in the field of mobility.
The OLAF Cargo project wants to solve the problem of urban cargo mobility. OLAF and Benedik-design studio strive to develop a modular city scooter with different cargo units, electrically powered, two-track and foldable. Further development will not only be on the product but also the improvement of business in the direction of offering additional services or changes in the business model (product rental, delivery services...).
JUNG and Zavod Projekt Atol have joined forces on the "X-Mobil" project to produce a working prototype of a solar powered module for research art. It is a car trailer that fosters creativity and innovation in geographically remote areas. The new product will represent a disruptive innovation, with a new market niche, a set of values, the mobility of art and research work, community integration, etc.

OLAF Cargo project teamOLAF Cargo project team
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( 110 bytes, published on 18 March, 2022 - 11:28 )
Xmobil project teamXmobil project team
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( 113 bytes, published on 18 March, 2022 - 11:28 )