We present DIVA pilot projects – 3


We present the next two DIVA pilot projects, FOL and HoloGlass. Both innovate in the field of digital technologies.
The project “FOL - The Future of Learning” involves the Solvesall company and the Art rebel 9 creative team. Their challenge is to create a web interface that will enable users to digitize the results of physical workshops and thus develop a web assistant (chatbot), which will be in the future powered by a neural network algorithm. The aim is to enable certified self-learning through networking and the use of artificial intelligence. With this learning ecosystem, users will be able to empower themselves in the digital space and data economy provided by the ability to token knowledge transfer.
The goal of the “HoloGlass” project is to develop a new tool that uses holographic technology to visualise and evaluate local products, with a high emotional involvement of users. The idea of combining technologically innovative and advanced solutions with the story of Made in Italy handmade products constitutes a novelty character and an important message for the relaunch of sectors of excellence and creativity. The company Venicecommerce and Fablab Venezia are dealing with this challenge.

FOL - project teamFOL - project team
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( 140 bytes, published on 23 February, 2022 - 10:51 )
HoloGlass - project teamHoloGlass - project team
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( 142 bytes, published on 23 February, 2022 - 10:51 )