SECAP: Support for energy policies and climate adaptation Italy-Slovenia cooperation project - kick off meeting in Trieste


Trieste, March 1st, 2019 | Secap project - to support energy policies and Climatic adaptation - officially started on February 19 in Trieste.

The kick-off meeting and the first Partners’ meeting took place in the Tessitori Hall of Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council.

The objective of Secap  (project duration : 36 months ) - funded by the Interreg Italy-Slovenia call for proposals with a budget of 2,940,351.30 euros (co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF) - is  to offer practical support to the Municipalities of the Partners’ Countries for implementing sustainable energy policies and climate adaptation. These aims are reflected in the transaction from the SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) to the SECAP (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans).

The project should lead to a unified cross-border strategy that will ensure the transition to a green economy throughinformation/training sessions for Municipalities and raising public awareness, through a study about the impact of Climate change on the program area, with methodological reports.
The final goal of Secap is the creation of an inventory of strategies, to identify measures and projects already defined and useful for increasing urban resilience, the creation of a bilingual online database of statistics and data on energy/climate/environment, an Italian-Slovenian atlas (on an urban-scale insights) focused on vulnerabilities of the territories.

The international partnership involves Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia as lead partner, Metropolitan City of Venice, University of Trieste, Area Science Park, Iuav University of Venice, Unioncamere Veneto ( Regional  Association of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto), Golea-Agency for Energy of Nova Gorica, Leag-Energy Agency of the Gorenjska, Rra lur-Regionalna razvojna agencija ljubljanske Urbane regije, Obina Pivka.

For further information visit the project web -site: