SECAP: EU Funds for Investment Concepts of Action Plans for Sustainable Energy and Climate


The EUCF - European City Facilities - launches the first of four calls, aimed at supporting municipalities and local authorities in the development of the Investment Concept (IC) relating to the implementation of the actions envisaged in the action plans for the climate and renewable energy. EUCF's ultimate goal is to build a consistent pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects between municipalities in Europe.
The EUCF finances each IC with a fixed non-repayable grant of 60,000 euros.
The beneficiaries are municipalities, local authorities and their groupings from the EU-27 and the UK. Applicants must have a politically approved sustainable energy and climate plan. In other words, a SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) / SECAP (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan), developed under the Covenant of Mayors or similar plans with climate and energy objectives at least for the year 2020. In addition, candidates must demonstrate political commitment to the development of a IC through a letter of support, signed by the mayor or other relevant political representative.

The EUCF funds activities such as (technical) feasibility studies, market analysis, stakeholder analysis, legal, economic and financial analysis, risk analysis, etc. required to develop a IC. These activities can be carried out by internal staff or by subcontracted external experts. The grant cannot directly finance actual investments, but covers the costs of mobilizing access resources and services to develop IC. The presentation of joint proposals by several municipalities is strongly supported by EUCF.
The first call is open from 25 May to 2 October (2020), the other three will follow later.
For more details refer to the EUCF website: