SECAP: 12.11.20 Online seminar - mitigation and adaptation due to climate change


The project SECAP Interreg VA Italia-Slovenia (LEAG Slovenia) organized online seminar that was held on Thursday 12th November and lasted for two hours. It was attended by 22 active participants.

Director of the Eco Fund, Ms. Mojca Vendramin presented current activities and plans for 2021. For the municipalities are currently available a variety of grants and loans for: energy renovation of an existing buildings, for purchase of new electric vehicles, for construction of a small solar power plants and other measures. You can read more on the Eco Fund website.

Legislative bases and preparation of the draft Long-Term Climate Strategy of Slovenia until 2050 were presented by Ms. Katarina Trstenjak, Jožef Stefan Institute, CEU. At the beginning, the process of preparing the draft strategy was presented, it was followed by a presentation of the goal - Climate Neutrality until 2050, and then a detailed presentation of the strategy for achieving the goal by individual sectors.

What will be the changes and impacts on the climate in Slovenia was presented by Ms. Mojca Dolinar, ARSO. In the last 50 years temperature in Slovenia growing trend was 0.33 °C /10 years. An temperature increase of 2° C has been recorded in the last 60 years. Municipalities can do the most to mitigate the climate consequences of change through proper planning and protection of public infrastructure, as we expect an increase in exceptional rainfall, heat waves, drought in the future …

The SECAP Interreg VA Italia- Slovenia project was presented by Črtomir Kurnik, LEAG. The objectives of the project are to promote the sustainable growth of the cross-border area, to promote strategies to reduce carbon emissions and to prepare a set of appropriate measures in the areas of adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change. Expected outcomes of the project are: single transborder strategy that will ensure the transition to a green economy and provide new job opportunities, implementation of training courses, supporting municipalities in preparation of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) and other pilot activities to identify methodologies to be adapted for local needs.

The initiative for the establishment of the Center for Sustainable Energy and Climate Change was presented by the director of LEAG, Anton Pogačnik. The Center will be established with a view to act on a national level with inclusion of key stakeholders and their knowledge of the technological opportunities arising from the application of innovative technologies, materials and methods of work. Special attention will be paid to ensuring the integration of key stakeholder groups (ministries, research and development activities, educational institutions, the economy, education) and the development of program content to ensure self-sufficiency after the completion of funding.


  • Current incentives for municipalities and expectations in tenders for municipalities in the future link (link to )M.Sc. Mojca Vendramin, director of the Eco Fund
  • Presentation of the draft Long-Term Climate Strategy of Slovenia until 2050 Katarina Trstenjak, M.Sc., Jožef Stefan Institute, CEU
  • Impacts of climate change in Slovenia, M.Sc. Mojca Dolinar, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Presentation of the SECAP project - INTERREG Italy-Slovenia Črtomir Kurnik, LEAG
  • Initiative to establish the Center for Sustainable Energy and Climate Change, M.Sc. Anton Pogačnik, director of LEAG
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