Pre-call announcement INTERREG V-A ITALIA-SLOVENIJA no. 7/2019 for standard projects


11 million euros ERDF available for the last standard projects

The last Call Interreg V-A ITALIA-SLOVENIJA – for standard projects - will be published at the beginning of 2019. This Call will be open for 60 days and allocate 11 million euros from ERDF to finance projects within the Programme Investment Priorities 1b, 6d, 6f e 11 ECT. The targeted Call shall address only some of the  Programme output indicators for each selected Investment Priority.

The submission of project proposals will run exclusively through electronic system, via the Front End Generalizzato 2 - FEG2, an IT solution developed by Insiel (regional software house of the autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia). Project proposals submission will require a prior registration to the system Login FVG to obtain a username (login) and a password. Project proposals can be entered only by the Lead Partner (LP).

Access to Login FVG: it is required a "strong login" type of access, for which certification of the signatory’s identity is required at the stage of entering into the system, by the following procedure:

  1. If the user owns a smart card reader / business key, he can access the system through an “advanced access”. Such user is recommended to use the browser integrated in the key, as recommended by the supplier thereof.
  2. If the user does not own a smart card reader / business key, he must first access thorough a "Basic access”, and then fill in the verification form (Annex 1) and forward it to the Joint Secretariat (JS) with the purpose of verifying the identity of the legal representative of the LP. Upon verification of the data, the JS shall inform the LP that he can enter the system.
  3. If the user has already accessed the system with identity verification (for example, the beneficiaries of the 2007-2013 programme who have accessed the so called “GOLDMIS” reporting program), he can access the system without creating a new profile.

The user requesting access to the login must correspond to the legal representative of the institution. Access to Login FVG will be possible starting from 7th January, 2019 through the link below:

• Italian users:

• Slovene users:

Here you find Guidelines for registration on loginfvg.


Warning! LP are strongly recommended to proceed with the activation of a strong login as soos as possible starting from 7th January, 2018 and at the latest 15 days before the Call deadline, in order not to incur in technical malfunctions.

In case of help for access to FVG Login, please contact the Joint Secretariat , Via del Lavatoio 1, I-34132 Trieste, Italy, tel.: +39 040 377 5993, E-mail: .