ONLINE THE NANO-REGION PORTAL to facilitate the access of SMEs to the services offered by the project


The new NANO-REGION portal is online, the tool dedicated to creating, strengthening and simplifying the connection between the world of business and that of research.


For industrialists and entrepreneurs who have a generic need or a specific problem, just connect to the portal and start collaboration with the European project NANO-REGION.

The collaboration can be activated for free and is extremely simple, just enter the specific portal, and press the "contact us" button: a dedicated section will open where the company can choose to share data relating to its needs, which remain protected by a 'careful privacy policy.

Starting from the expressed need, which can also be extremely vague (eg: "I would like to increase the hourly production of buttons"), the PROOF-OF-CONCEPT path will be activated in which the specialists of the NANO-REGION network will work to narrow the field and focus on the problem, propose a solution, develop a strategy and implement it. At the end a report is drawn up to summarize the work done and look at possible future developments.

Everything happens in an extremely immediate and simple way, through this dedicated platform, which has different levels of data sharing, spaces for immediate advice, instant chat and the ability to upload images and other types of documents.

Furthermore, the portal contains a series of curiosities and information relating to the nano world, both in the world of small and medium-sized businesses and in everyday life.

The procedure to follow is explained in detail on the first page of the portal, and also requires the entrepreneur to request a visit to the laboratories, or the plant by the scientists.


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