NANOREGION presents itself at MNE2021 - Micro and Nano Engineering Conference


From the 21st to the 23rd of September the NANO-REGION project attended in Turin at the MNE2021 international conference which yearly gathers the main European and international expertise in micro and nano engineering. The participation of the Interreg ITALIA-SLOVENJIA project reached to goal of updating on recent development on these themes, networking and advertising NANO-REGION to the micro and nano engineering community.

The conference is held annually and constitutes a fundamental centre of meeting and updating on the state of the art of research in the nano-engineering field for the international community, and returned to Italy last week after eleven years.

During the days of the conference, some researchers from Cnr-Iom, lead partner of the NANO-REGION project, took part in the poster session of the event with the official poster of the Interreg project. The context was useful for an active exchange and for meeting with possible subjects of interest to the results and methods of NANO-REGION. In fact, during the session several people were intercepted with their curiosities and questions.

The conference addresses recent advancements on micro and nano fabrication and on the applications to devices and microsystems from electronics to photonics to energy to the environment to chemistry and life sciences. All these are fields in which the science parks and research centres of the NANO-REGION project are active, and they are also areas in which the knowledge acquired by researchers, if properly transmitted, can foster the development of a competitive entrepreneurial system.