
On 11 November 2020 from 11.30 to 13-15 a representative of NANO-REGION, Marco Lazzarino, was present at the IPCEI webinar (Important Projects of Common European Interest), to present the European NANO-REGION project.

During the day of work organized by IPCEI and entitled "Microelectronics initiviative: tech solutions for the digital transformation IoT and Industry 4.0", processes, applications and products were discussed which are expected to be developed as part of the program. IPCEI proposes among the topics that for which the use of micro and nano electronics as a fundamental enabling factor for companies wishing to explore the opportunities made available by digital transformation and industry 4.0. The report on the activities of NANO-REGION therefore fits into this context, which has been working for two years to make nanotechnologies available to the industrial sector precisely with a view to producing a qualitative leap in the entrepreneurial fabric of a cross-border macro region between Italy and Slovenia. In particular, the focus of the event was on smart sensors, which widely use nanomaterials and nanostructures, and which were also developed and studied by the research centers and technology parks involved in the NANO-REGION network.

The intervention with the report on the methodologies and the results of the Interreg project was received very positively by the organizers of the webinar and paved the way for new synergies and possible collaborations.