Interreg Volunteer Youth: 3 new volunteers to support the Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia Programme


The Managing Authority of the Interreg VA Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Programme is pleased to announce that from November 2020 it will host "remotely" three new young Europeans as volunteers in the cross-border sector in adherence to the "Interreg volunteer youth (IVY)" "promoted by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).

 They are Carmen, Francesca and Riccardo, young people from different parts of Italy but all with an international background.

Carmen is specializing in Local and Global Development at the University of Bologna. Francesca holds a degree in Spanish and International Relations and an MSc in Crisis and Security Management from the University of Leiden. Riccardo is a graduate student of the master's degree course in Diplomacy and International Cooperation at the University of Trieste.

 After gaining European and extra-European experiences in various institutions and organizations, these three young people decided to get involved and start this new adventure with the Interreg Italy-Slovenia team to actualize their studies, acquire new skills and realize their professional and personal aspirations.

 The new IVYs say they are extremely interested in the convergence of European policies and the territory where they are applied. They state "Very often the media talk about Europe, but there is a gap between what the EU is and does and what citizens intend to be and do it. Our task is to communicate but above all to educate our peers and citizenship as a whole about how the European Project is spent on improving all areas of the Union, starting with the areas of interest of Interreg Italy Slovenia."

 For the Managing Authority, involving new young people in this IVY volunteering experience in 2020, which is part of the broader European Solidarity Corps initiative launched by the European Commission in 2017, is challenging, given the ongoing health emergency. However, the intention remains to transmit to them the added value of cross-border cooperation, even in the current context that sees the constant threat of border closure. Being IVY has to convey to young people the importance of participating in the change of a constantly evolving Europe, but also of programme, strategic objectives, work habits.

Welcome and a big good luck then to Carmen, Francesca and Riccardo!