
Europe Day, which takes place every year on 9th of May, celebrates the peace and unity of Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historic declaration in which the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman set out the idea of a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between European nations unthinkable.

On the 9th of May 1950 in Paris, Schuman's ambition was to create an European institution that would pool and manage the production of coal and steel. The founding states: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg decided to pool their resources and create a common market for these raw materials by eliminating import and export duties. Schumann then launched the founding call for the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community.

There were not only economic, but also political implications: by merging the interests of France and Germany, future conflicts would be avoided. That is why Schuman's proposal is regarded as the founding act of what we know now as the European Union.

At the European Council in Milan in 1985, the heads of state and government decided to establish 9 May as 'Europe Day', and this is how it has been commemorated every day since 1986.

After the Single European Act of 1985 set the goal of creating a single common market, the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 saw the birth of the European Union, initially with 12 countries, setting the course for economic and monetary union.


Every year to celebrate Europe Day, the EU institutions offer a wide range of online and in-person activities in all Member States, as well as in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg. This is the ideal time to celebrate, to come together, to discuss and to create a better future for Europe that works for everyone.

The Interreg Italy-Slovenia Programme joins the celebrations wishing a happy Europe Day to all!

More information on Europe Day is available on the dedicated website.


Article written by Nicole Meneghetti, IVY volunteer at the Programme

Photographs and images by Letizia Brichese and Laura Di Lorenzo, Ca' Foscari University of Venice trainees

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