Information on the publication of the last targeted call for standard projects no. 7/2019 and Infoday


On the regional Official Bulletin of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia dated 09/01/2019 is published the Announcement on the launch of the targeted call no. 07/2019 for standard projects in the framework of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V A Italia-Slovenia 2014-2020. The Call will open on January 14th at 12:00 and end on March 15th, 2019 at 12:00:59. The submission of project proposals will run exclusively through electronic system, via the Front End Generalizzato 2 - FEG2 and it will require a prior registration to the system Login FVG to obtain a username (login) and a password. Detailed information are available at the following link. Project proposals can be entered only by the Lead Partner (LP).

The Call is characterised by specific features and is targeted to the contribution of only some Programme output indicators as listed in the following table:

Priority Axis

Investment Priority

Output Indicators

Reccomended MAXIMUM project dimension (ERDF in €)



CO26 - Number of enterprises cooperating with research institutions




CO23 - Surface area of habitats supported in order to attain a better conservation status


3.2.2 - Cross-border pilot actions to support biodiversity

3.2.3 - Participants to educational and divulgative events


3.3.1 - Number of innovative green technologies tested and implemented


3.3.2 - Number of enterprises applying new green innovation solutions


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4.1.1 - Cross-border agreement and protocols signed


4.1.2 - Joint solutions increasing integration, coherence, harmonization of the Programme area governance


An infoday shall be organized in Udine at the premises of the Auditorium of the autonomous Region Friuli Venenzia Giulia in via Sabbadini 31, on January 23rd, to which is possible to participate following registration.  The agenda and information on registration will be soon available.