ENGREEN - Contemporary illustration exhibition "Bestiary of Eastern Veneto"


On Saturday, 2 October, the contemporary illustration exhibition “Bestiary of Eastern Veneto” was inaugurated at the Mulini di Stalis, in the municipal area of ​​Grauro (VE), organized by VeGAL with the patronage of the Municipality of Gruaro. The exhibition is linked to the contest of the same name launched by VeGAL in collaboration with the Municipality of Gruaro, the Treviso Comic Book Festival, the Venezia Comics association and the Slovenian collective Stripburger.


The exhibition is the result of the selection of the most interesting works received from all over Italy and Slovenia. The contest involved the creation of an illustration featuring an animal from Eastern Veneto, chosen from a list attached to the competition announcement.

172 participants put a strain on the work of the jury for the very high quality and artistic level. To winner is Caterina Cappelli and her pike. In second place Ilaria Perversi who represented the little bittern and third classified Arianna Marconato, with a dreamlike representation of the roe deer. Two Special Mentions from the Jury were also assigned to Chiara Fantin and Paola Momentè who dedicated themselves to interpreting the dotted newt and the pheasant respectively.


At the end of the award ceremony, those present were able not only to visit the exhibition, but also to take a guided tour of the mills and the surrounding area. The exhibition set up at the ancient Mulini di Stalis will be open until the end of October on every weekend of the month, from 3pm to 6pm.


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