DURASOFT - the experiments for the ecotoxicological evaluation of the treated panels kick off


Exposure experiments to Picea abies wood panels treated with different Sylvanolin formulations started this week at the Institute of Marine Sciences, lead partner of DuraSoft project. In the aquarium tanks, bioindicator organisms of the marine environment were exposed to the different treated woods with the aim to evaluate the possible toxicity of the various treatments. Experimental tanks were set up by immersing different types of treated and control wood panels in sea water. Individuals of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis and gastropods Steromphala albida have been also placed within each experimental tank and they will be exposed for the next four weeks. At the end of the exposure period, the organisms will be analyzed in the ecotoxicology laboratory of the Institute to evaluate biological responses evaluated at biochemical, cellular and physiological levels. These analyses will provide information on health status of the exposed organisms.

( 2 bytes, published on 10 August, 2021 - 16:55 )
( 3 bytes, published on 10 August, 2021 - 16:55 )