Comunicare Interreg | Communication of the European Territorial Cooperation programs, ENI and IPA II


The webinar "Communicating Interreg", organized by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion and the Puglia Region as part of the PAC CTE, will be held on 6 May from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. The event is aimed at the various territorial cooperation programs, ENI and IPA II on the Italian territory.

The representatives of the CROSSMOBY project and of GECT GO / EZTS GO, at the head of the ITI “ISONZO-SOČA” and “SALUTE-ZDRAVSTVO” projects, will present the best practices, results, trends and communication perspectives that have interested them.

Attached is the event agenda (in Italian). Registration for the event is available at the following link.

Comunicare INTERREG_Agenda.pdf
( 179 bytes, published on 6 May, 2021 - 10:18 )