Annual event of the cooperation programme INTERREG V-A Italia-Slovenia 2014 – 2020


Annual event of the cooperation programme INTERREG V-A Italia-Slovenia 2014 – 2020

On June 12th was held in Štanjel the annual event of the INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 cooperation programme, entitled The benefits of inter-institutional cooperation for the cross-border area.

The event was organized by the Government Service for Development and European Cohesion Policy of the Republic of Slovenia (SVRK) in collaboration with the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat from the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Last year, the event was aimed at networking among project partners on all programme objectives, while this year was organized the first event on Capitalization and programme communication (CAP & COM). Partners of cultural and natural heritage projects and health projects presented the benefits of cooperation in the cross-border area. Project partners exchanged experiences and good practices to overcome the obstacles that interfere with the transfer of project results in daily life and in development policies.

During the meeting, the transnational MED Programme presented to the participants the best practices for optimising and capitalising results.



The event was hosted in Štanjel, by the regional office of the SVRK, which acts as the Slovenian Info Point of the INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 cooperation programme. The Slovenian Info Point, within the cooperation programme between Slovenia and Italy, is in charge of informative and consultative tasks on the Slovenian territory and carries out communication activities in close collaboration with the Joint Secretariat of Trieste.

The event was attended by 90 representatives of various Slovenian and Italian institutions, working together on cross-border projects. At the end of the event, they declare the intention to undertake some joint activities, with the aim of increasing the application of the results achieved in a wider area.