Watch the Grand Finale of Project Slam 2020


Today, Wednesday, October 14th at 2.30 pm, the Grand Finale of Project Slam 2020 will also be broadcasted on Facebook. The six finalists, including the WALKofPEACE project, will present an original performance, using storytelling techniques (both as TED Talk show and acting work) to share the benefits of their work. The winner of the "Interreg 30 Years Project Slam" will be selected by the audience through Menti. Each project will be assigned a CODE that will be shared on screen during its performance. Remember the code and at the end of the event you will be invited to log on Menti ( and enter the code of your favorite project. The vote will last only 2 minutes.

To attend the Grand Finale and vote for your favorite project, connect at 2.30pm at the following link: 

All the staff of the Program and the WALKofPEACE project are counting on your support!