SALUTE-ZDRAVSTVO: A four-days autism training in Gorizia for AAS2 and Šempeter hospital staff


How to use the motivation of a child with an autism spectrum disorder to help him or her avoid social exclusion. This is based on ESDM or Early Start Denver Model, a scientifically supported therapeutic method developed by psychologist Sally Rogers of the University of California, Sacramento. From Monday 8th to Thursday 11th July 2019, a group of six autism experts from the cross-border area (psychologists, speech therapists, neurodevelopmental therapists and defectologists) will receive special training within the project “Salute-Health, Establishment of a cross-border network health services ”funded under the Interreg Italia-Slovenia VA 2014-2020 program and managed by EGTC GO as the sole beneficiary. Participants will be experts from AAS2 "Bass Friulan Isontin" and General Hospital "Dr. Franz Derganc 'from Sempeter.

This is the second part of the education which was carried out exactly one year ago. Participants who completed the first part of the training will be present as observers. The training will be led by psychologist Costanza Colombi, a research assistant in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan. Constance Colombi has conducted numerous research into the diagnosis, treatment and socio-cognitive development of autism during the earliest stages of life and has published in several international journals. She received her education certification in Early Start Denver Model and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-2) methods. The ESDM is a flexible system that follows the normal development of a child and helps to achieve learning goals through "socio-sensory routines" designed to get the toddler's attention, drawing from his interests and daily activities, from feeding and bathing to play . The training will take place at the Basaglia Park in Gorizia, and will include a theoretical and practical part with the consideration and evaluation of practical examples.

A cross-border group of healthcare professionals will use the ESDM method to address children with autism spectrum disorders in the EGTC GO area. The joint team will have facilities in Basaglia Park equipped with appropriate treatment facilities and will operate in accordance with a common medical protocol for the care of children with MAS. The guidelines of the protocol, based on good Italian and Slovenian practices, were presented to pediatricians, educators and teachers in draft form in Gorizia in October. The model to be implemented by the EZTS GO Healthcare Professional Group is crucial for early diagnosis and subsequent early treatment, as it is scientifically proven that diagnosis and subsequent early intervention can greatly improve prognosis in children with MAS and their families' quality of life.