Project event: FISH-AGRO TECH CBC Kick off meeting


On Friday, 10 November 2017, the kick off meeting of the standard project having acronym »FISH-AGRO TECH CBC« and entitled »Fisheries - Agriculture: cooperation and innovation in the cross-border area« financed by the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia Programme 2014-2020, took place in Trieste at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Venezia Giulia. On the same day, at a press conference, the project partnership  presented the project, which is led by Aries, the special agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Venezia Giulia. President Antonio Paoletti and Aries Director Patrizia Andolfatto stressed that the project »FISH-AGRO TECH CBC«  is involved in the strategies of the Chamber of Commerce of the Venezia Giulia for innovation and competitiveness for the period 2017-2021 as well as in the activities carried out by the Chamber of Commerce in the sectors in which Aries has developed a number of other projects in a few years.

Aries and representatives of project partners (Iztok Lesjak, Director of the Ljubljana Technology Park, David Pizziga, President of the LAS Karst, Fabio Tomasi, Head of the Project office for Areja Science Park, Robert Rakar, Director of the Primorska Chamber of Commerce, Andreja Ramšak, Head of the Marine Biology Station in Piran - National Institute of Biology) emphasized the importance of introducing technological innovations in the fisheries and agriculture sectors. Although they may look a little "remote" from the research, they can effectively engage in innovative co-operation activities. This will enable improvement in the food quality and safety and strengthening the competitiveness of companies from the cross-border area, as well as the creation of new products or services and the promotion of cross-border networks between economic and research entities. Ms Claudia Ferluga, on behalf of the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia programme, confirmed the support of the Joint Secretariat and the Managing Authority in the implementation of the project, as well as the maximum synergy of all projects part-financed from the other axes of the Programme.

The day continued with a technical meeting among project partners to deepen planned activities.