At the moment, tourism is not a focal point of our attention, which does not mean we do not anticipate a full recovery of tourism activity as soon as the health conditions are restored to normal. It may well be that values like authenticity and naturalness will gain on importance. Such feelings are undoubtedly linked also with the language used in tourism. Is it not true that a pleasant vacation is a result, among other things, of a genuine, friendly and efficient communication?
THE CREATIVE LANGUAGE OF TOURISM – FROM PLACE IDENTITY TO TOURISM PRODUCTS AND SERVICES - workshop led by Dr Vesna Mikolič, a linguist and an expert in tourism discourse.
Within the scope of the MerlinCV project, we organise workshops on creative and efficient communication in tourism, both in traditional as well as new media. The first part will be dedicated to the types of communication in tourism, the second will deal with branding and authenticity of tourism products, the third part will shed light on linguistic means by which we build an engaging story to capture interest. The workshop is intended for tourism operators, advertisers in tourism, tour guides and anyone involved with language usage.
The workshop will be presented using Zoom and is scheduled for: 24 November (; Meeting ID: 863 1525 5131; Passcode: 690671) in and 30 November ( from 5 until 7 p.m. On the above dates the workshop will be held in Slovenian language, if necessary, interpreting to Italian will be provided.
Please, sign in to the workshop using the following e-mail:, you can also follow us on social media where detailed information and any eventual changes will be posted:
Kindly invited!