ISE- EMH Project Trieste Citizen Accelerator


The Trieste Citizen Accelerator: Active and Healthy over 65 was a 2 days event organized by the Upper Adriatic Technology Park (Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico) and funded by the European Joint Programme Ambient Assisted Living. This initiative includes social participation between citizens and experts & the competition (hackathon) between teams.

The Hackaton was an opportunity to share the planning and results of the ISE-EMH project with all the stakeholders and partecipants. The purpose of the Trieste Citizen Accelerator was to help address the loneliness and isolation of the elderly through innovative and technological solutions.

The Accelerator brought together citizens of various ages: students civil society organizations civil society organizations family assistants will assist administrators and tutors of private and local / regional public authorities to develop innovative and creative technological ideas / solutions together.