First DIVA workshop gathering traditional enterprises and representatives of cultural and creative sectors organized in Friuli Venezia Giulia


The first workshop of the project DIVA in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia took place at Area Science Park’s headquarters in Trieste on 28 June 2019. The event was organised by Area Science Park, in cooperation with Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Informest and Friuli Innovazione.

The workshop gathered around 90 participants, including representatives of traditional companies as well as enterprises, professionals and associations of the cultural and creative sectors.

The aim of the event was to investigate – on a regional basis – the needs of the users as a first step to develop a SWOT analysis. This in turn will contribute to devise the “DIVA Cooperation Model” to strengthen art-based cross-innovation processes between cultural and creative industries (CCIs) and traditional industrial sectors in the project’s area.

To serve as food-for-thoughts, some concrete examples of cooperation between artists and traditional enterprises were illustrated by representatives of Creaa, Zeroidee and Dform.

Creaa is a cultural enterprise specialised on art-based interventions that builds relations between art and industry through a network of artists from all over Europe.

Zeroidee is an association that exploits creativity as a driver of cultural and social innovation and has devised a product called “Audiobus”, namely a tour around urban centres enriched by artistic performances and realized in cooperation with public transport operators.

Dform is a furniture manufacturing company that has developed a brand specifically dedicated to the world of art, exhibitions and museums.

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