The ENGREEN project is one of the six projects benefiting from additional funds for additional pilot activities under Priority Axis 3 of call no. 7/2019. The assignment of additional funds provides, among other things, "Joint promotional activities" in this case the proposing projects undertake to organize together at least one promotional webinar, in order to improve the visibility of the results of the projects and the Program.
The joint webinar entitled "Management, enhancement and conservation of ecosystems and habitats" will be held on 10 June 2022 and will present in a sympathetic way what the 6 projects of Axis 3 Interreg V-A Italy Slovenia have achieved: Aquavitis, Bee diversity, Eco-smart, Engreen, Green Hull and Tretamara. We are talking about ecosystem services, biodiversity, species threatened by climate change, the importance of green infrastructures and even the biological cleaning of ship hulls. Do not miss!
![]() | 6 projects Webinar_programma_program_10_06_22.pdf ( 1 byte, published on 27 May, 2022 - 16:50 ) |