ENGREEN - Biological Evening: Interactions between wild cats


On Wednesday, 15 December 2021 at 7 pm, a new Biological Evening will take place, organized by the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology of the University of Primorska, entitled Interactions between wild cats: from lynxes in Slovenia to leopards in Africa, to be performed by dr. Miha Krofel.

This time, the event will again only take place online. Link to the event: http://upr-si.zoom.us/j/82928932580. The event will be bilingual, with the help of simultaneous translation. We invite you to join us and invite other people who might be interested in the lecture.

Wild cats such as lynx, leopard and tiger have always piqued the human imagination and at the same time play an important ecological role in nature. However, relationships between different species of cats remain poorly researched, although these relationships are often the main factor determining the species' distribution, abundance and role. During the lecture we will visit the African savannah, where the leopard and the cheetah share space, the Asian highlands, where the snow leopard and manul coexist in the mountains, the tropical islands, where the tiger reigns among five different species of cats, and Slovenian forests, where we can meet the Eurasian lynx and wild cat. We will get to know their lives in diverse ecosystems.

You can find more about the lecture and the lecturer:

- https://bioloski-veceri.famnit.upr.si/sl/program/3-vecer/
- https://www.facebook.com/events/402898058200781