ECO-SMART, Feasibility of adaptation plans based on simulations of payment models for ecosystem services, Škocjanski zatok


You are cordially invited to the ECO-SMART project event

on Friday, July 2, 2021


The event is intended for local communities in the Interreg Slovenia - Italy program area. Participants will get acquainted with the contents of the ECO-SMART project and receive information on simulations of payment schemes for ecosystem services, which can be the basis for the implementation of the adaptation plan, namely for the pilot case of Natura 2000 Škocjanski zatok.

The workshop will take place in the Zoom online environment. We will send you the data with the link a few days before the event, to the e-mail address provided in the e-registration. Participation in the workshop is free.

The workshop will be conducted in Slovene with interpretation into Italian.

A Registration is required:

For additional information you can write to the address: or tadej.zilic@rrc-kp.

Programma / ProgramProgramma / Program
vabilo 2-7-21_koncna.pdf
( 230 bytes, published on 23 June, 2021 - 17:15 )