Cross-border DIVA event for pilot projects


On Wednesday, December 1, we held the crossborder "Launch and networking event", attended by representatives of DIVA pilot projects. A welcome speech by Valeria Bazzan (CCIAA Venezia Rovigo) and an introduction speech by moderator Corrado Campobasso (Informest), was followed by a Mario Ciaramitaro (IUAV), Peter Purg (UNG) and Mija Lorbek (DIVA HUB Unit - Ekscenter) inspiring speeches on the introduction of Design thinking and Art thinking into research and innovation processes. After this, DIVA HUBs representatives gave a short presentation of DIVA pilot projects. The most interesting and interactive part of the event followed, in which randomly selected pairs of pilot representatives (SMEs and CCIs) met in separate "rooms" where, in the presence of facilitators, they had the opportunity to get to know each other better, find common synergies and exchange ideas and solutions. Each participant participated in five "speed dating" sessions. For this occasion, was prepared a catalogue with short presentations of all pilot projects.

Launch & Networking eventLaunch & Networking event
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